Tetragon (2018 - 2019)
Alexandre Chaves : Creator and creative director
Gabriel Capeletti : Developer
Gabriel Marafigo : 2D, 3D artist and animator
Gustavo Marangon : Developer
Júlio Miotto : Composer and sound designer
Leonardo Minozzo : Executive Producer
Martin Fabichak : Teach lead
Thalles Fiala : 2D artist, animator and graphic designer
Vanessa Christoff : Quality Assurance and Game Tester

Mobile game created by Alexandre Chaves and produced by Cafundó Estúdio Criativo.
It was a 12 months project. We created the concepts of scenarios/phases and characters, as well as all the assets, compositions, animations, cutscenes, UI/UX and the logo.
The art team was made up of two people who worked on all stages equally, with the exception of 3D (Gabriel Marafigo) and visual identity and UI (me).

Some stages of the game.

Some assets for composing the first environment.

Some assets for the composition of the second environment.

Concept art of the stages and environments.

Illustration for the opening cinematic.